Friday, January 7, 2011


Kirk was checking facebook this morning and saw that one of the other couples in our childbirth and parenting class who was due a week after us is at the hospital because she's in labor!!!! Needless to say, we'll be working on the nursery today :o) I'm praying that our little one doesn't decide to make an early appearance. If she's anything like Kirk or my dad - she'll be early. Hopefully she'll take after me, who likes to be on time - not early, not late.

For those of you who are harassing me about it (hi sisters!) I'll get the picture up later today. Hopefully there will be some pictures of the nursery to go a long with it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess - The other thing you have to worry about is that she'll want to be like everyone else and have a March birthday.
