Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Due Date

It's our due date today! :o)

No baby yet. :o(

We'll let you know when something happens...if she ever decides to come out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

39 Weeks...

Tuesday was our 39 week mark which means we are less than one week away from our due date! We went to the doctor this morning and he said that it could be tonight, this weekend, next week or two weeks from now. Helpful, huh?! :o) We have another appointment next Thursday if I don't go into labor before then. They said they will probably schedule induction at about 41 and a half weeks, but I'm really hoping that I don't have to be induced. We are still just waiting for her to decide she's ready to come out. I am VERY ready for her to come out...I am uncomfortable and not sleeping at night. I guess the not sleeping at night is helping to prepare me for once she's here - I'm getting good at catching up on sleep during the day.

The doctor guessed that the baby is a little under 7 pounds right now, so she's not too big - which is nice! Kirk and I were both big babies so hearing that she's on the smaller end was a nice surprise!

The funny part of the appointment today was when the doctor asked me "Who bit you?" I had NO idea what he was talking about at first but realized that the huge burn I have on my hand kinda looks like a big bite mark. (I burned myself on the oven the other day and have about a 2 inch burn on my hand). I just thought it was funny that he thought that I had been bitten!

I haven't really had many pregnancy cravings during the pregnancy but they seem to be kicking in. Thankfully - lots of the things I'm craving are from places that we don't have here in Goldsboro so it helps me not become huge! If we had a Chipotle in town - I'd be gigantic by now! In the past few days I've craved mozzarella sticks (i don't even like those!), fruit roll ups, vanilla pudding with whipped cream, buffalo wings and fried chicken (another thing I don't really like). Most of these pass after a day or two. I try not to even watch the food commercials on TV because then I start to crave what I see on TV!

We'll keep you posted if anything happens!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

38 Weeks...

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Most importantly, we passed the 37 week mark which means the baby is considered full term and now is welcome to come at any time! I'm still 2 weeks away from my actual due date (Feb. 22), so we may still have a little while to wait. Kirk had a huge youth fundraiser last Saturday and that was the last major youth event we were hoping to make it through before the baby comes, so now we are just waiting on her to decide she's ready.

2 Sundays ago, the church threw us a wonderful baby shower. It was fun to celebrate with them and they have been so supportive and excited for us. People were so generous and we were able to get pretty much everything we needed for her. They played a game where we gave them a sentence that contained all the letters of Baby Tate's name and they were supposed to guess what the name was. No one guessed! We wouldn't have told them anyways, but it was funny that no one got it. It's not a weird name either! I promise! :o) It's driving people CRAZY that we aren't telling the name, but I'm so glad we're keeping it a secret. It's fun to keep it between us and not have to hear any opinions about it! :o)

Kirk's parents and grandparents came up for that weekend so they could come to the shower. It was fun to have them here and of course we made a trip to the baby store at the outlet mall and stocked up on some more clothes for her. They also helped us finish up the nursery. We assembled a bookshelf, hung shelves and hung up the quilt my friend Katie made us. We still have the final few things to put away (not sure where to put everything!) but her room is ready for her. There's a picture posted below for you to see!

I'm feeling very uncomfortable and am pretty much exhausted. I pushed it a little to hard this past weekend helping with the youth event and am still paying the price for it. I have a bad hip already and it's been killing me! I also have heartburn and I get it no matter what I eat. She also hasn't dropped down yet, so my poor ribs are still taking a beating. BUT - it's all good! It's totally worth it and it's much easier to stay positive about it all when the end is in sight. Plus, I still love feeling her move around so it's totally worth the rib pain!

We see the doctor again on Thursday. I'm not having any contractions or anything so it should be just another uneventful check up. The nurses who teach our baby class at the hospital said the next full moon is February 18 and they said that they see a lot of women go into labor on the full moon. We'll see!

Here are a few pictures...

Here I am at 38 weeks ... I feel huge! :o)

Here is the nursery. Once she comes and we tell her name, I'm going to ask my friend Becky to paint cute letters of her name to go on the wall between the shelves and the quilt.

Here is a new member of our family...our awesome new camera! We have wanted one FOREVER and a bunch of people from church went in together and got us it for our baby shower! I'm excited to learn about all the neat stuff it can do!