Monday, October 18, 2010


I'm having a slight issue with clothes right now. I'm 22 weeks prego and not really showing yet. I definitely am getting bigger, I just don't have a cute baby bump. I just kinda look chubby.

But here's my issue. I don't fit in my normal pants anymore but maternity pants are too big. I was wearing my normal jeans with a rubber band around the button and thru the button hole since I couldn't button them, but that's not working anymore. So I tried using the belly band (basically an tube top that you wear around your waist to hold up pants you can't button anymore, but that's not really working since I don't have enough of a baby bump to hold my pants up. So I am trying maternity pants, but again, there's not enough of a bump to hold them up. Maybe this is just an excuse to wear my super comfortable black sweatpants everywhere :o)

I realize that no one really cares about my problems with this, but not much else is going on so I didn't have much else to write about. I can still feel Baby Tate moving around in there. I've been pretty uncomfortable as my body is adjusting to make room for baby. It gets painful at times but I guess it's all part of the deal.

I'm also hoping my nesting instinct kicks in soon since currently the baby's room looks more like a storage closet. There are suitcases everywhere, my wedding dress is in there as well as the couple of boxes we haven't unpacked yet. We should be getting the crib that some friends are giving us soon, maybe that will motivate me a little!


  1. I suggest an all-Snuggie wardrobe until maternity pants fit!


  2. Sweat pants all the way!!! Target has some super cute ones! No fun about growing pains but hey it's for a baby!!!!!! Too bad megan isn't close to you - she would whip that room into shape! Love you! Miss you
